Good morning everyone! Here's what's going on!
I'm trying hard to drag myself out of writers block to finish Fae Wars: Insurgent, because there are four or five more Fae Wars books stacking up behind me by both old friends and new writers. That includes Lucas Marcum, James Copley, Brian Gifford, Charli Cox and more. Insurgent is going to focus on Kincaid's ongoing fight against the Fae and his struggle with loyalty to a rapidly dying ideal of a country. We'll have a new anthology too.

On deck we have a some genre favorites and new fantasy books in production. Im happy to say that we've signed Kal Spriggs to produce two series. The first is a Post - Apocalyptic nightmare called "Hell Train", about a rag tag group of military and civilian survivors traveling by train across a devastated country, pursued by demonic forces. That's up for Pre-sale now and drops in September.
Next up will probably be Steven Vickers debut novel Troll Hunter, which is an expansion of his High Caliber award winning short story. Should drop in November. "Cullen was a young man tasked to defend his tribe against the raids of the trolls from across the way. Badly wounded in combat with one of the creatures, he leaves his village with his most trusted companions, to rescue a friend who had been captured, risking their own lives in the process..."

In order to help us figure out some of the direction of our company, it would be extremely helpful to us if you could fill out this anonymous survey. This will tell us what to focus on in the future.
Well I hope you voted to for Shane Gries to win a Dragon Award!!!!! it's not too late to get your vote in for "Dead Storm Rising" as best horror novel!
Shane will be at Dragoncon, so if you're going, track him down!
P-Con in Texas at Dallas (Sept 20 -23) will be attended by Mike Morton, Jason Kyle, James Copley, Al Hagan and Jonathan LaForce. Look for the Cannon Table!
Our next big Cannon company Con will be at Marscon, Virginia Beach, in January. See you there, weather depending!